About/Support Us

Support Us

One of the Institute’s key attributes is its independence, which is assured by an endowment fund established in the early 1970s. In order to enhance its activities, the IRPP also engages in fundraising initiatives. Funds donated are used to develop new areas of research, to broaden and deepen the scope of current programs, to disseminate research findings, and to support the Institute’s digital magazine Policy Options.

General sponsorships and financial donations are welcome, though the Institute is careful to ensure that they do not compromise its credibility as an independent organization, or its reputation for producing high quality research. The IRPP does not allow donors to steer its agenda or to influence the research process and conclusions.

Government funding is accepted to the extent that it is unconditional. The IRPP invests its own resources in all of its projects and seeks a diversity of donors, so that no single source of funding becomes indispensable.

The IRPP is guided by Imagine Canada’s Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code to ensure we meet the highest standards in fundraising and financial reporting practices.